Sycamore ‘Moon Seedling’


The sycamore “moon seedling” was grown from a seed carried to the moon by astronaut Stuart Roosa on the 1971 Apollo 14 mission.  A “moon seedling” was presented to The University of the South” in April 1976.  This “moon seedling” has grown to a beautiful sycamore tree appreciated by all who visit the Sewanee campus.

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Sewanee: University of the South

The University of the South is an educational institution of the Episcopal Church.  Sewanee, as it is called by students and faculty, is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom in close community and in full freedom of inquiry, and enlightened by Christian faith in the Anglican tradition.  Sewanee welcomes individuals from all backgrounds.  Students are expected to be prepared to search for truth, seek justice, preserve liberty under law, and serve God and humanity. 

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